When testing a new platform that we are building, I encountered a bunch of issues around the corners. A variety of corners each little different, it was interesting to see patterns of how bugs crept in.
When testing a new platform that we are building, I encountered a bunch of issues around the corners. A variety of corners each little different, it was interesting to see patterns of how bugs crept in.
Let me tell you the story. The site smartqa.org became inaccessible last Friday, and after a few minutes, I discovered that the site was not down, but unreachable. That is when my tryst with support started. After five days of relentless pursuit it was sorted without any help from support. So, what was the issue and what can we learn from this?
Exactly a year ago, I published the article “3 Ideas to Staying Agile – “Compass, Cadence, Ownership” that outlined handling change from individual, business and software dev practice.
As we mature we see more opposites. Find more bugs or prevent by being sensitive? Automate more or use human smartness to do less? Continuous frequent checks or smart minimal tests? Things that seem contrary, creating a tension of choice. It is really not a tussle, it is a perfect state of balance.
High Performance QA is about enabling the path to brilliant code, of doing less and accomplishing more.
Many years ago, we went on a holiday to Masai Mara, a lovely 1510 square km game reserve in Kenya. Here the animals are free in their natural habitat whilst humans are inside open top jeeps.
Rich UI applications seem to pose a challenge. Not just for automation but also for coverage/completeness. There seems to be a lot to do, creating doubts like “Am I complete? Am I testing enough?” especially the functional tests.