Interesting articles that enriches validation/quality activities we do, to do differently and smarter.
These consist of tips, suggestions, contrarian approaches and smart checklists etc.

Interesting articles on Accessibility
This article is a collection of interesting aspects on accessibility curated form a set of SIX articles covering “What is accessibility”, “Six steps to create accessible designs”, “Ethical design”, “Dos and don’ts on designing for accessibility”, “Ten tips for making website accessible” and “How to create interfaces that benefit all”.

10 things to be sensitive to deliver brilliant code
Great code is not result of mere unit/dev testing at the early stage. It is really a mindset that is key to producing brilliant code. This article outlines ten things that a developer should be very sensitive to enable the delivery of brilliant code.

10 Simple Tips to Clean Code
by T Ashok @ash_thiru on Twitter SummaryAs much as testing is seen as a key activity to deliver quality, there are simple practices that can

12 tips to reinvent yourself in testing
T Ashok (ash_thiru on Twitter) SummaryThe way we build systems has changed, both in terms of technology and the process. The expectations of end users/businesses

10 Habits to Help You Speed Up Testing
by T Ashok @ash_thiru on Twitter SummaryIn today’s age of speed, technology/ automation is seen as the key enabler for rapid QA. Yes, it is
50 Tips to Smart QA
by T Ashok SUMMARYHere is an interesting collection of FIFTY tips that spans across many dimensions to enable one to become “Smart Tester”. 1. “Don’t