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25 things I expect of a great tester

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  1. Be disciplined, but stay creative.
  2. Ask questions, find answers. 
  3. Be helpful, but don’t do others’ work.
  4. Point out mistakes, don’t blame though.
  5. Find bugs, help get them fixed too.
  6. Communicate clearly, communicate crisply.
  7. Do good work, showcase value. 
  8. Do the mundane things, innovate constantly.
  9. Stay doggedly steadfast, but be flexible.
  10. Observe well, see things that are hidden.
  11. Stay focussed, but have a 360 degree vision.
  12. Have a system’s view, but know the internals.
  13. Think like end user, while engineering solution.
  14. Analyse like an engineer when working with end users.
  15. Do what you must, automate everything else.
  16. Document tersely, do voraciously.
  17. Find what you must, prevent what you can.
  18. Do less, accomplish more.
  19. Engineer in code, to enable finding issues.
  20. Have an user’s mind, engineer’s brain, eagle’s eyes and a businessman’s head. 
  21. Read, observe, analyse, explore, experiment, prove, disprove- Actively seek out. 
  22. Analyse quantitatively the engineering data, present qualitatively the business impact.
  23. Strive for clarity, visualise the flow, spot anomalies in mind’s eye
  24. Don’t settle, constantly churn and evolve, unsettle
  25. Learn constantly, unlearn continually

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  1. This reminds me very much of the Way of Strategy, outlined by the 17th-century Japanese sword-master Miyamoto Musashi in his “Book of Five Rings”. He outlined his Way in nine points:#

    1. Do not think dishonestly.
    2. The Way is in training.
    3. Become acquainted with every art.
    4. Know the Ways of all professions.
    5. Distinguish between gain and loss in worldly matters.
    6. Develop an intuitive judgement and understanding for everything.
    7. Perceive those things which cannot be seen.
    8. Pay attention even to trifles.
    9. Do nothing which is of no use.

    I’ve always found these principles of value, and I wrote a series of blog posts on them a while back:

    • Thank you very much Robert.

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