Interesting articles that go beyond the confines of typical testing, to think expansively and smarter.
These span across mindset and habits, thinking and problem solving approaches etc.

FIVE *MORE* thoughts on ‘Doing SmartQA’

What does it take to do SmartQA? Thoughtful pause, multidimensional thinking, sensitivity and awareness and designing for robustness & testability. A short crisp article continuing from the prior article outlining FIVE MORE thoughts, on what it takes to do SmartQA.

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FIVE thoughts on ‘Doing SmartQA’

What does it take to do SmartQA? How can I do less and accomplish more? What parts of this are human-powered & machine-assisted? A short crisp article outlining some thoughts, SIX for now on what it takes to do SmartQA.

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Seven consecutive errors = A Catastrophe

“A typical accident takes seven consecutive errors” states Malcolm Gladwell this notion is reflected in the Mark Buchanan’s book “Ubiquity”. This article dwells upon ‘How do you ensure that potential critical failures lurking in systems that have matured can still be uncovered?’

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A quick primer on AI

This article is curated from SIX articles as a quick primer on AI. Starting with glossary on AI, it delves into tacit knowledge as codified via ML going onto to understanding the difference between ML & AI. A quick peek into deep learning and challenges of explaining the patterns ending with a interesting piece AI written by an AI program

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15 categories of tooling for digital test automation

In this article I have tried picture(ise) the landscape of the plethora of tools for testing software which has moved away from just testing to build-test-deploy in a continuous manner. Keeping the interesting visual I have listed the FIFTEEN broad categories of tools that make up the modern digital testing landscape.

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