Intelligent testing is a brilliant set of opposites. Is it finding more bugs or enabling brilliant code from start? Is it about frequent and continuous evaluation or being sensitive and pre-empting issues? Is it an act of doing or a state of mind? In this article I relate intelligent testing to Yin & Yang, where the tension of opposites keeps one in the perfect state of balance enabling one to deliver the very best.
Continue reading12 Perspectives to High Performance QA
High Performance QA is about enabling the path to brilliant code, of doing less, and accomplishing more. High performance occurs when you articulate crisply, think clearly, organise well & execute nimbly. It requires a high performance mindset that is strong, clear, agile and value oriented.
Continue readingWhat Masai Mara taught me about leadership
Want to be a successful leader? Let animals be your guide. Assemble varied skills to build a great team. Let good techniques and methodical action unleash the power. Watch progress and steer continuously. Be confident. Make decisions. Enable each individual to unleash their full potential. Finally enjoy the journey.
Continue readingCOVID19 and Clean Code Part 2 : Process & Criteria
This article as a SlideShare lists actions taken and criteria met to contain the pandemic and correlate this to how we can deliver clean code for large scale software systems.
Continue readingCOVID19 and Clean Code Part 1: Techniques
Corona virus aka COVID19 is a global talking point now. What is being done to contain the COVID19? Well, there are THREE actions in terms of Prevention,
Continue readingBlockchain – What, How & Where
This article is a short primer on Blockchain outlining ‘What is blockchain technology’, ‘How does it work’ and ‘Where is it useful’. Curated from four articles which are nice and easy reads.
Continue reading10 mindsets, 10 tips & 10 habits to clean code
A mashup of three articles published as part of SmartQA digest over the last few months that outlines mindsets needed to brilliant code, tips to produce clean code and habits to speed up evaluation
Continue readingFIVE *MORE* thoughts on ‘Doing SmartQA’
What does it take to do SmartQA? Thoughtful pause, multidimensional thinking, sensitivity and awareness and designing for robustness & testability. A short crisp article continuing from the prior article outlining FIVE MORE thoughts, on what it takes to do SmartQA.
Continue readingFIVE thoughts on ‘Doing SmartQA’
What does it take to do SmartQA? How can I do less and accomplish more? What parts of this are human-powered & machine-assisted? A short crisp article outlining some thoughts, SIX for now on what it takes to do SmartQA.
Continue readingSeven consecutive errors = A Catastrophe
“A typical accident takes seven consecutive errors” states Malcolm Gladwell this notion is reflected in the Mark Buchanan’s book “Ubiquity”. This article dwells upon ‘How do you ensure that potential critical failures lurking in systems that have matured can still be uncovered?’
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